Reinhard Joas

Dr. Reinhard Joas is the founder and Managing Director of CS3 (Consulting for Sustainable Supply Solutions) with more than 30 years of experience in strategic consulting of governments, international bodies and companies on different policy areas. He is educated as a chemical engineer at the technical Universities in Munich and Zurich (TUM & ETH), graduating with an engineering diploma. In parallel, he studied economics at the University of Hagen with a diploma in economics and received a doctorate (PhD) on the economic and ecological aspects of chlorine chemistry.

Dr Reinhard Joas is key expert on policy advice with a focus on process optimization, environmental technologies, risk assessment and prevention. He has long‐term experience with project leadership of major projects for UNEP, UNIDO, World Bank, European Commission, the EU Parliament, national Ministries, Industry associations and large companies in the field of technical, economic and environmental issues. He is an international key expert for Responsible Production, chemicals management and Chemical Leasing. In the context of his international work he has experiences with sustainable use established excellent contacts to industry and administration around the globe.

His main fields of activity are technical guidance for environmental legislation, evaluation of socio‐economic consequences of environmental regulation, risk assessments, risk reduction measures as well as the development of new business strategies related to sustainable use of pesticides, chemicals and safety at work place in various processes and industrial sectors.

Dr. Joas was project leader for several projects related to chemicals management in Sri Lanka and other countries of South Asia. 

Connect with

Reinhard Joas

Office: +94777353331

Mobile: +49 89 978970100



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